Letter & Alphabet এর ব্যাকরণগত ধারনা-

Letter Kv‡K e‡j? Dnv KZ ai‡bi I wK wK?
Ans. Letter A_© eY©| G‡KK fvlvq Letter Gi msL¨v G‡KK iKg| Bs‡iRx fvlvq Letter Gi msL¨v 26wU| fvlvi ÿz`ªZg GKK n‡”Q Letter ev eY©|

Letter Gi msÁv t Bs‡iwR fvlv cÖKvk Kivi Rb¨ gvbyl †h mvs‡KwZK wPý e‡j, wj‡L ev c‡o Zv‡K Letter e‡j|

Letter `yB ai‡bi nq| h_v, a) Small Letter (a, b, c, d BZ¨vw`),  b) Capital Letter (A, B, C, D BZ¨vw`)

Small Letter = a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z
Capital Letter = A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J , K, L , M, N , O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Letter ‡K Kqfv‡M fvM Kiv hvq I wK wK? Vowel Kv‡K e‡j? Consonant ej‡Z wK †evS?
Ans. Letter ‡K `yB fv‡M fvM Kiv nq| h_v, 1) Vowel     I        2) Consonant

Vowel A_© ¯^ieY© Ges Consonant A_© e¨ÄbeY©|

Vowel Gi msÁv t Bs‡iwR eY©gvjvq †h 26wU Letter Av‡Q Zvi g‡a¨ A, E, I, O, U GB cuvPwU‡K Vowel e‡j|

Consonant Gi msÁv t Bs‡iwR eY©gvjvq †h 26wU Letter Av‡Q Zvi g‡a¨ A, E, I, O, U GB cuvPwU ev‡` euvwK 21wU eY©‡K Consonant e‡j|


Vowel = A, E, I, O, U / a, e, i, o, u
Consonant = B, C, D, F, G, H, J , K, L , M, N , P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z

 Capital Letter Gi e¨envi Rvbvi Rb¨ wKQy wbqg t
1)      ‡h †Kvb ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z cÖ_g A¶i Capital Letter G nq|

‡hgb, I read in class viii. Orange is a juicy fall. We live in Bangladesh. etc

2)     I (Avwg), English, Activity kã¸wj ev‡K¨i †hLv‡bB e‡m G‡`i cÖ_g A¶i Capital Letter G nq|

‡hgb, I go to school everyday. I can speak in English. She has no Activity in Math.

3)     gvby‡li bvg, †`‡ki bvg, wefv‡Mi bvg, †Rjvi bvg, we`¨vj‡qi bv‡gi cÖ_g A¶i Capital Letter G nq|

‡hgb, My fathers name is Azibar. I live in Jaypurhat district. She lives in India. 

4)     ag©MÖ‡š’i bvg, weL¨vZ cy¯ÍK-cyw¯‹Zvi bvg I msev`c‡Îi bv‡gi cÖ_g A¶i Capital Letter G nq|

‡hgb, I read Qur-an everyday. My father like to read The Daily Prothom Alo.

5)     ‡Kvb RvwZ wKsev †Mvôx Ges weL¨vZ A‡ji bv‡gi cÖ_g A¶i Capital Letter G nq|

‡hgb, We fought against British in 1971. Our largest sea-beach is Coxes-Bazar.

6)     mswÿß iƒc(Abberiviation Word) Gi cÖwZwU A¶i Capital Letter G nq|

‡hgb, Our head teacher is a B.A.B.Ed. My uncle is an L.L.B.

7)     A_©c~Y© kã ev †`‡ki bv‡gi cÖwZwU A¶i Capital Letter G nq|

‡hgb, My brother has lived in U.S.A.  

8)     evi (w`b) wKsev gvm Gi cÖ_g A¶i Capital Letter G nq|

‡hgb, I will not go to school at next Monday. My little sister has born on February.

9)     weL¨vZ cvnvo-ce©Z, b`-b`x, mvMi-gnvmvM‡ii bv‡gi cÖ_g A¶i Capital Letter G nq|

‡hgb, One of the largest river of Bangladesh is Padma.

10) ‡Kvb fvlvi bv‡gi Øviv hw` RvwZ ev †Mvôx‡K eySv‡bv nq Z‡e ‡mB bv‡gi cÖ_g A¶i Capital Letter G nq| †hgb, Rupa is an Hidhuism. We are Benglie. She is Chinees.

Alphabet Kv‡K e‡j?
Ans. Alphabet A_© eY©gvjv| Letter n‡”Q GKePb Avi Alphabet n‡”Q eûePb|

Alphabet Gi msÁv t Bs‡iwR fvlvq 26wU Letter Av‡Q G‡`i GK‡Î Alphabet e‡j|



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