Sentence & its Classification এর ব্যাকরণগত ধারনা-

Sentence Kv‡K e‡j? Dnv KZ cÖKvi I wK wK?
Ans. Sentence A_© evK¨|
Sentence Gi msÁv t GK ev GKvwaK Word cvkvcvwk e‡m hw` g‡bi fve m¤ú~Y©iƒ‡c cÖKvk cvq Z‡e Zv‡K Sentence e‡j|

cÖwZwU Sentence Gi `yBwU Ask _v‡K| h_v,
1)      Subject (D‡Ïk¨),               2) Predicate (we‡aq)
D`vniY t- We go to school everyday. GLv‡b We n‡”Q Subject (D‡Ïk¨) Avi euvwK Ask‡K ejv nq Predicate (we‡aq)|
msÁv t- ev‡K¨ ‡h e¨w³ ev e¯‘i K_v ejv nq Zv‡K Subject (D‡Ïk¨) e‡j| Avi Subject ‡K D‡Ïk¨ K‡i hv wKQz ejv nq Zv‡K Predicate (we‡aq) e‡j|

‡hgb, We (Subject) are weak in English (Predicate). She (Subject) is my bosom friend (Predicate). Rony with his father (Subject) was going to our headmaster (Predicate).

Classification of Sentence / Sentence Gi cÖKvi‡f`
A_©MZ (Meaning) w`K †_‡K Sentence †K cuvP fv‡M fvM Kiv nq| h_v,
a) Assertive Sentence,                      b) Interrogative Sentence,               c) Imperative Sentence,
d) Optative Sentence,                       e) Exclamatory Sentence.

Avevi, MVYMZ (Structural) w`K †_‡K Sentence †K wZb fv‡M fvM Kiv nq| h_v,  
a) Simple Sentence,                    b) Complex Sentence,                       c) Compound Sentence

wewfbœ cÖKvi Sentence Gi msÁv wjL|

Ans. A_©MZ (Meaning) w`K †_‡K wef³ cuvP cÖKvi Sentence Gi msÁv t-

a) Assertive Sentence t †h ev‡K¨i Øviv †Kvb wKQyi eY©bv Kiv nq Zv‡K Assertive Sentence e‡j|
            ‡hgb, Bangladesh is an independent country. (evsjv‡`k GKwU ¯^vwab †`k)
ev‡K¨i MVY t Subject + Verb + eY©bvg~jK Word + Extension.

b) Interrogative Sentence t †h ev‡K¨i Øviv †Kvb cÖkœ Kiv eySvq Zv‡K Interrogative Sentence e‡j|
‡hgb, Are you in class two? (Zzwg wK wØZxq †kªwY‡Z co?), Where do you live in? (Zzwg †Kv_vq evm Ki?)
ev‡K¨i MVY-1 t WH Word + Auxiliary verb + Object + Extension + Sign of Interrogative (?)
ev‡K¨i MVY-2 t Auxiliary verb + Object + Extension + Sign of Interrogative (?)   

c) Imperative Sentence t †h ev‡K¨i Øviv Av‡`k, Dc‡`k, wb‡la ev civgk© cÖKvk cvq Zv‡K Imperative Sentence e‡j|
            ‡hgb, Go to your seat. (†Zvgvi Avm‡b hvI), Never tell a lie. (KLbI wg_¨v K_v ej bv)
ev‡K¨i MVY t Main Verb + Object + Extension.

d) Optative Sentence t †h ev‡K¨i Øviv Avkv, AvKvsLv, Awfjvl, ¯^cœ, B”Qv, m¤¢vebv cÖKvk cvq Zv‡K Optative Sentence e‡j|
            ‡hgb, If I were a rich. (hw` Avwg awb nZvg|), Rain may fall today. (AvR e„wó n‡Z cv‡i|)
ev‡K¨i MVY-1 t  ïiæ‡Z If + Subject + Auxiliary verb + Extension.
ev‡K¨i MVY-2 t Subject + may/might + Extension.

e) Exclamatory Sentence t †h ev‡K¨i Øviv myL, `ytL, nvwm, Kvbœv, †¶vf, †kvK, g‡bi Abyf’wZ ev Av‡eM cÖKvk cvq Zv‡K Exclamatory Sentence e‡j|
            ‡hgb, Hurrah! We win the game. (wK gRv! Avgiv †Ljvq wR‡ZwQ|)
                     How a beautiful country our Bangladesh is! (Avgv‡`i evsjv‡`k KZB bv my›`i †`k!)
ev‡K¨i MVY-01 t Interjectional Word + Sign of Interjection (!) + Subject + Auxiliary verb /Main Verb + Extension.
ev‡K¨i MVY-02 t WH Word + Article + Wondered Word + Extension + Auxiliary verb + (!)
Avevi, MVYMZ w`K †_‡K wef³ wZb cÖKvi Sentence Gi msÁv t-  

a) Simple Sentence t †h ev‡K¨ GKwUgvÎ Subject Ges GKwUgvÎ Verb _v‡K Zv‡K Simple Sentence e‡j|
          ‡hgb, I go to school everyday. (Avwg cÖwZw`b we`¨vj‡q hvB)
ev‡K¨i MVY t Subject + Auxiliary verb /Main Verb + Extension.

b) Complex Sentence t †h ev‡K¨ GKwU cwic~Y© Simple Sentence Gi mv‡_ GKvwaK Simple Sentence Gi  Askwe‡kl hw` and, but, or Øviv hy³ _v‡K Z‡e Zv‡K Complex Sentence e‡j|
          ‡hgb, The man is poor but honest. (†jvKwU Mwie wKš‘ mr|), Read or fail. (co A_ev †dj Ki|)
ev‡K¨i MVY-1 t 1st Subject + Auxiliary verb /Main Verb + Extension + Object + and /but /or + 2nd Object.
ev‡K¨i MVY-2 t 1st Verb + and /but /or + 2nd Verb

c) Compound Sentence t †h ev‡K¨ GKvwaK Simple evK¨ and Øviv hy³ _v‡K Z‡e Zv‡K Compound Sentence e‡j|
          ‡hgb, I go to school everyday and I complete my lesson. (Avwg cÖwZw`b we`¨vj‡q hvB Ges Avwg Avgvi covïbv †kl Kwi|)
ev‡K¨i MVY t Subject + Auxiliary verb /Main Verb + Extension + and + Subject + Auxiliary verb /Main Verb + Extension + Object.
A_©vr GKwU cwic~Y© Simple Sentence + Av‡iKwU cwic~Y© Simple Sentence.

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